What You Should Include In Your Written Complaint

Employment Law

What You Should Include In Your Written Complaint

Are you thinking about submitting a formal written complaint to your employer but have questions about how to do it and what to include?
Up ahead, we’ll outline everything you need to know about filing a written complaint with your employer. First, let’s define what a “formal written complaint” really is.

What is a formal written complaint?

When it comes to complaints about your employer, the first thing to know is that not all complaints are formal. That is, you may have a criticism about your employer. Still, if you only vocalize it to a colleague or even to the employer, then it is not formal. It is informal.

A formal complaint is a complaint made in writing. It must notify your supervisor and human resources department that you are making a complaint. You are officially saying, “This is a problem, and I am looking for a solution.”

How should formal complaints be submitted?

Formal complaints must be submitted in writing. This is much of what makes them legal in the first place.

Whether it be via email, text message, or even a handwritten note, a formal complaint must notify, in writing, that you are making a complaint to your supervisor.

What should you include in a formal written complaint?

A formal complaint should include all relevant specifics. For example, suppose you are making a complaint about a few specific instances or encounters involving harassment or discrimination. In that case, your formal complaint should include all related dates, times, locations, and other details. It might also include specific conversations or encounters you had with coworkers or supervisors regarding these instances.

If you have any witnesses, make sure that you also include their names and what they might know as well.

Why is it important to make sure your formal complaint is in writing?

Nearly all employer harassment or discrimination occurrences must be reported as formal complaints first if you want something done about them. Of course, this also depends on the laws in your state and within your organization.

But, your employer must be notified of the alleged harassment or discrimination so that they are made aware of it and perhaps fix the problem.

Unfortunately, we will often see employers feign ignorance at the time of litigation. They may say that they had no idea that you were making complaints about discrimination or harassment. This is when you’ll be able to take out your written complaint and have proof that you notified them.
Have a Complaint About Employer Harassment or Discrimination? Contact Knoll Law Group Today
Knoll Law Group has been representing workers like you since 1989. We primarily handle employment matters and often represent workers who have been wronged or harmed by their employers.

If you have any questions about making a formal complaint, please call our office. We are here to help.

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